Lutheran High School has a rich history of mission in our community.
San Antonio is a great place to live but there are also areas that desperately need Christ’s hands. LHS believes that Christ works through us to show care and love for others in our community.
Main focuses in our LHS Missions are Haven for Hope, Hill Country Daily Bread and God’s House. Each of these serves specific needs in and around San Antonio. We are blessed to partner with these places.
Lutheran High School is growing our international missions program. In recent years, students and staff have traveled on summer mission trips to serve in Puerto Rico and Guatemala. Work in Puerto Rico was directly related to on-going relief work from hurricane Maria (2017). The work in Guatemala was a novel effort that included training both students and staff from three Lutheran mission schools and one public school on the FIRST LEGO League robotics program.
With strong opportunities in the future to continue to impact Guatemala and Puerto Rico as well as places such as Costa Rica, Hong Kong and beyond, Lutheran is preparing students to impact the world at large.
San Antonio is a great place to live but there are also areas that desperately need Christ’s hands. LHS believes that Christ works through us to show care and love for others in our community.
Main focuses in our LHS Missions are Haven for Hope, Hill Country Daily Bread and God’s House. Each of these serves specific needs in and around San Antonio. We are blessed to partner with these places.
Lutheran High School is growing our international missions program. In recent years, students and staff have traveled on summer mission trips to serve in Puerto Rico and Guatemala. Work in Puerto Rico was directly related to on-going relief work from hurricane Maria (2017). The work in Guatemala was a novel effort that included training both students and staff from three Lutheran mission schools and one public school on the FIRST LEGO League robotics program.
With strong opportunities in the future to continue to impact Guatemala and Puerto Rico as well as places such as Costa Rica, Hong Kong and beyond, Lutheran is preparing students to impact the world at large.